Spent the day in a total frenzy. Somehow my watch has been running behind schedule, causing me to dash around from midtown to downtown and back around again all day in order to get to where I need to be. My afternoon schedule was in need of some revision so I tweaked it by giving my dear friend a call only to find out that help was in serious need over at the Picture Ray Studio. I hurried down in an instant to assist the stylists in executing Keith Lissner's designs for his showcase and lookbook.
When things wrapped up and I finally had a chance to myself, I hurried to check Acne's Spring/Summer 2010 line that kick-started the fashion season this Tuesday, across the Atlantic, in London.

I am really enjoying the featured, printed pants and dip dyed fringe. But I must add that I came across similar renditions of those heels and found them rather repulsive.