yeyyy rachel is going to be one of my bestfriends for a consecutive year ;-) i love the flattering furs implemented throughout her collection. and the colors, oh the colors.
but what a shame! new york fashion week seems a bit out of whack with all the regulars skipping over the whole shenanigan. the ambiance at the park has hit a bit of a funk and i just don't like it one bit. from the sponsors to the actual garments things just seem a tad lackluster. hopefully london, milan or paris have something up their sleeves. i still have my fingers crossed for you new yorkers out there.
i did however get the chance to bump into bill cunningham again. i wasn't finished telling my "guess who i was formally introduced to" stories from last season before i was able to spend the afternoon ON THE STREET with this endearing lad. he was fidgeting from one manual camera to the next while trying to get that right shot. if i could i would shrinkidink him and carry him around in my pockets. i'll be excited to see what he comes up with by the end of this week for the times. oh! and you have to see him chase people down the sidewalks, it's the cutest thing!
anyway, let's get down to business. some of my girls have been doing a pretty decent job this season. i literally had a ginormous smile imprinted on my face the second i saw erin's collection (and as she walked out following the models at the closure of her show, i kindly laughed from her quirkiness.) that line is the epitome of sweetheart! i can certainly see myself dancing around in her white colorwayed dress paired with that lustrous lavender, knicked-shoulder blazer during the first snow flurry eight months from now!